Hosted Exchange - Microsoft Security Update
Incident Report for Zix | AppRiver
This incident has been resolved.
Posted Jun 26, 2024 - 10:23 CDT

A new Microsoft Security Update is being rolled out to Hosted Exchange to secure a new zero-day vulnerability. Microsoft states the update could impact the following short term:

1. Search errors in Outlook Desktop: Microsoft has linked an article regarding this error and provided registry change fixes to resolve the issue - Search error in Outlook cached mode after installing March 2024 SU - Microsoft Support

2. Users may be unable to preview certain Office attachments via OWA – Microsoft is working on releasing a patch

3. Read vs Unread message indications may be inconsistent via Outlook Desktop – Microsoft is working on releasing a patch

Posted Mar 20, 2024 - 07:13 CDT
This incident affected: Secure Hosted Exchange (Exchange 2013/2016+ (EXG7)).